Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Having Fun! =)

Lately we have been doing several world pvp raids, premade AV's and other stuff. Sadly i tend to forget to take screenshoots while killing, but i have some other fun pics to share. Just great to meet other boxers "anywhere" now =)
Sherminators hunter team and Mehee in WG.

Konnichiwa and me in WG.

Several Gimp boxers met in Orgri. In the pic: Konnichiwa, Shakalack, Emoo, Funkinbubbie and me =)

Gorina/Emoo and me doing a female cow parade in Orgri :p Whats cuter than a cow in xmas outfit eh?

Shakalack and me doing formations in WG :p

Before one of our IF raids =)

Alot of the ppl in the guild are doing some hardcore leveling aswell, Gorgorotha dinged 80 on his lock team this week, Bitling dinged 80 on his rogue team, and Angeldeelite dinged 70 on his druid/shaman team, grats to all =)

We got 2 new boxers to the server this week also, welcome to both! Shroum leveling 4 mages, and Endure level dk+4 palas, gl =)

Thursday, 3 December 2009

New ppl! =)

I am happy that so many of the ppl from Dual-Boxing have migrated, or made new teams on Grim Batol. Really nice to have others to talk to, who knows what u talk about :p ...and great to log on and see 20 shamans etc online! So far we have had just a few AV raids and world pvp, but it has been really fun :D Today 4 of us went AV and won most of the games (ofc :p lol).

I made a list of the boxers that are currently in Gimp:

Aoe - 5 Paladins (Whowantstoknow)
Angeldeelite - Druid + 4 Shamans (angeldeelite)
Bakashaka - 5 Shamans (Ptah)
Bigbossman - Shaman + 4 hunters
Boomboxer - dual shamans
Boxblizzard - 5 (Boxblizzard)
Bitling - Paladin + 4 Shamans (FuzzyBoy)
Downa - 4 Rogues (Sideways)
Endure - DK + 4 palas
Foulmessiah - 4 Shamans
Gorgorotha - 5 shamans (Altshoba)
Gorina - 4 Shamans (Fregwin)
Konnichiwa - 5 shamans (Merujo)
Korzeer - DKs +Palas (shaeman)
Kierlay - 4 Paladins
Liliq- 4 Shamans (pala main) (Volch0k)
Littleburst - DK + 4 Shamans (Littleburst)
Maiy - 5 Warlocks
Mehee - 5 Shamans (Wokomehee)
Overdose - 4 Shamans (Chronic1337)
Shakalack - 5 shamans
Shroum - 4 mages
Selza - 5 Shamans
Sherminator - Druid + 4 Hunters
Tyrrel - Paladin + 4 Shamans (Seffles)
zwakix - Shamans

...might be some errors here, some of the lowbies might have changed teams, or same person can be listed twice. Have been alot of changes lately, good ones tho =) We dont know what will happend in the future, but for now we can have alot of fun togheter, so i would say our goal is already reached ;o)

Friday, 20 November 2009

PvP! =)

The last days i have had fun in bg's and Wintergrasp with my shaman girls. Gorgorotha, Konnichiwa and me, even did a raid to IF, great fun with 3 boxers :D Grim Batol got 2 new boxers last week aswell, Varnæs (5melee team) and Boxblizzard. Welcome to both =) I can see we will have some great world pvp raids in the future!
My mixed group are now lvl 72. Mage, 2x priests and lock are a great mix. Questing is really fast, and with all the buffs and waters its nps! Im planning on putting 1 of the priests in the druid group at 80. Bear tank, 3x boomkins and priest should be ok i guess.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Utgarde Keep HC ! =)

My first HC didnt exactly go smooth, but i downed it finally so im happy still :P Whiped on all bosses lol =) My pala aint def capped, and all shamans have not so good pvp gear, so im hoping it will be better when the gear is a bit more up to date =) Its fun anyway, as long as i manage to finish it, i dont mind whiping =)

Utgarde Pinnacle! =)

So i finally leveled a pala =) Did my first Northrend Insta today, whiped a few times, but shit happens :p. Im happy to have a tank as it will make the game more fun for me. I have been frustrated not beeing able to do everything i wanted. In addition to tanking for my teams, im planning to heal Deekhay's shamans in arena. So im farming honor aswell, trying to gear up both for pvp healing and pve tanking. Paladin is more fun playing than i imagined, so im having fun with it =)

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Arenas and honor farm =)

The last month i have been farming honor and gearing up my main, the priest. Im currently doing 5v5 with another boxing friend, and having lots of fun even tho we are not winning that much - yet! =) We have met 2-3 other boxers, and its fun to see that others do well, with both shaman/healer teams, and pure dps teams aswell.

We have a "new" boxer on horde side aswell, Liliq had a faction change, welcome! =) Adding a pic of his toons, posing with my shaman girls =)

Thursday, 17 September 2009

B-r-e-a-k ! =)

...due to irl stuff i need 4 weeks boxing break! Wohoo!

My shamans are finally fully geared, so maybe i can start winning some arena maches when im back :P ...and druids are half geared, so a little more farming is nessesary there, and locks are... -still level 24 or something. The locks have to w8 a while, cause im leveling a pala and another priest to be able to do pve with my 2 80 teams. Pala will be tank for the shaman team, and the new priest will be healer for my druids, and probably for some dualboxing etc. Im currently leveling 3 chars, mage, priest and priest, but as soon as they ding 70, i will box them along with my pala and lock who are level 70 atm. The 3 caster girls are now level 68.

...and while im not home and having my boxing equipment around, im leveling my hunter...-solo, on my laptop! ...and gearing up my main, the priest aswell:D Its kinda nice =)


Sunday, 30 August 2009

Fun and different wow projects

Boxing is only one way of playing in an unusual way. I must say i find it funny that others play naked, without weapons, or even without killing anything on purpose! I have added a new link collection in the bottom of my page with some interesting storys, some are old, some new. If i find more of those i will add them aswell.Tips are welcome =)

...waiting for someone who will level up only running backwards or something!

Gogo! =)

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Gimp Boxers =)

Since we are 3 boxers in Gimp atm, i figured a pic or two was in order :D

Konnichiwa made a Orc shaman team on horde side, and Angeldeelite has rerolled Tauren shamans/druid on Grim Batol! Welcome to both! Who knows if they wil be 80, but we have fun atm so lets just see =) No need to stress hehehe

Gimp Arena ! =)

...i am lucky enough to have a warr friend that sacrifice himself so my druids can get some points hehe =) We wanted some fun, so i specced my 4 druids resto, and he went prot,. The idea was ofc to not die, atleast not fast.. sadly, i can heal until im blue in the face... with no resilience i go down wayyy to fast. We are happy anyway, or atleast i am :P I got my 344 points or whatever, and next week im buying legs! :P Yay =)

Saturday, 15 August 2009

D - I - N - G ! =)

I stopped questing at level 66 and went AV farming instead. I have always liked AV, so it was a fun way of leveling, but oh my, do i miss the gold u get from quests?..and gear eh.. 3 days of Av farming did get me capped with honor, and i bought the shoulders, but i can just stay in AV and WG for another week or two, to get ok gear.. And i will have to do the quests anyway, so i will have gold for mounts i want, dualspec gems etc etc etc , but im 80, so who cares :D

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Utgarde Keep ! =)

...did a run in UP today with a level 71 tank friend. Had no problems really, and its a quick insta to get nice xp in =) This showed me how much more u can do with a tank... i guess i will fix a tank of my own soon, either level my pala who are currently lvl 70, or spec one of the druids tank, and put in another one as healer... dunno really, but was fun to do a Northrend insta, since i didnt do any with my shamans while leveling. Druids are currently level 77.

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Because i can.

I have to admit i didnt like the fact that u now can have both horde and alliance chars at same realm. Ruins the spirit, and well, i dont like it! But... since its here, i kinda "have to do it" ! :P

Altough several teams are tempting to try, my horde shamans have been the most fun experience in wow for me, so its natural to make another shaman team if i wanna level again.
...and im already leveling locks and druids on horde side soooo, yah its enough for now :P

For the alliance! ..errr, for the horde!
...and gogo Konnichiwa/Merujo, the only wow friend i have that are as crazy as i am when it comes to alts :D /cheers

Boxing for slackers :P

...lucky me, with a friend that can take my girls around while i do something else :P

Nah, seriously, had to do something else than farming gear, so these days im farming mounts lol, both Kara and ZG is easy, and hopefully my friend and i, will have some luck in there! =) I got the tiger on my main, the priest, so next one is for my mage friend.
Leveling is also something i do these days, druids are now 75 and locks 22. I have bought the shoulders from wg, and now the new robe added in last patch, great with items that make leveling go faster yay! =)

Saturday, 1 August 2009

This might be it some of u know, i have farmed gear 24/7 for the shamans since i dinged :P Had alot of fun, and met alof of nice ppl, ty to all the ones that dont spit on me, but actually are nice and let me join WG raids (yes, some ppl kick me).

Anyway, weapon is something that is hard for me to get, so i decided to level up mining (on my main druid), and start farm mats to make the Titansteel Guardian. I still have vacation, and its raining outside, so this week was perfect timing to spend some time in WG/Sholazar Basin and grab the mats needed.

Level up mining was one thing, but getting the mats needed are, hmm...i dont know how to put it, but i know i cant compete with the speed of all the bots that are allowed to be in WG 24/7.

Day one of my farming attemt i saw (and reported) 4 bots. Day two was a bit better and i got some mats, i only saw 1 new bot. Day 3 there where 4 new bots farming the area, and today i saw 5 new ones during my first 30 mins of "farming". I guess i dont need to tell u i dont get the mats needed for my weapons...

Well, dont know what to say really, other than i feel sad that those bots are allowed to be there, i reported them all, and it didnt help me.

This is the first time in wow that i feel like i am paying for something i dont get, and its not worth it. And just so its said, i dont like this game, i love it.

Monday, 27 July 2009

RFC ! =) (Locks)

...while waiting for the next WG, im leveling a bit on my new lowbie team =) Did RFC a few times yesterday and its pretty fast with 5 dps. I use 4 woidwalkers and 1 imp, and its really no need for either healer or tank at this level :D I doubt i will level this team to 80 any time soon tho, but who knows =)

I will level my druids soon, im getting the shoulders from wg next week i think. They are still lvl 74. Will be fun doing some AV's with the druids and some friends again =)

Sunday, 26 July 2009

WG & AV F a r m i n g :P

...thats what i do these days =) Starting to get some gear now, and having lots of fun! =)

I have met several boxers lately, counted 9, me included, that is great :D The picture above is my first meeting with one of them, Neobox from Jaedenar. As u can see, it didnt go that well lol :P Was hitting Balinda and didnt even see him until i was dead.. =) I have met some of them in arenas also (did 10 games last week to get some points), and clearly i need practise aswell, not just gear :P
Gearing up and getting enchants, gems etc are expensive, so i have to do some daily quests etc. Atm im doing the ones at the Argent Tournament, those are ok to box. a few weeks i should have ok gear! :P

Thursday, 16 July 2009

D - I - N - G ! =)

Finally! :D ...dinged last night and will now start to farm gear, practise, change macros etc etc etc =) Wohoo! The last two regions (Icecrown and The storm peaks) where not the best place to multibox imo, but rest of the continent where fine =)

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

My pc =)

Looking at pic's of others pc's, and setups are nice, so im adding a few of my own =)

...btw, i have been planning to add a keyboard with more buttons a while, but i like my old cheap one so much that it didnt happen yet lol.. Im fixing it when my girls ding 80! :P

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Some fun in Arenas =)

Last night i joined my friends 5v5 arena team with my main char, the priest. Altshobaa/Deekhay boxed 4 shamans, while i tried to keep up with healing, dispelling etc :P ...although our oponents didnt get really scared of us, we had a great time... :D ...we had about 50/50 win/loss, so it was great, but i guess it will get harder at higher rating.

I didnt play much arenas, so im not a great player, but i like to believe i can improve hehe, and as i said, its just for fun =)

...anyway, we plan on getting some more practise tonight, so beware if ur playing too lol :P

Sunday, 14 June 2009

...getting there :P

After a few weeks with afk'ing due to irl stuff, im now up and running. Today i dinged 70 in Netherstorm, and are rdy to move on to Northrend. 10 "small" lvl's to go! :D

Friday, 17 April 2009

Ramparts ! =)

Since i got my Earth Elementals at 66 i wanted to go my first Outland insta, it was fun xD ...i whiped one time before first boss, due to a horrible pull, but oh well =) Rest went fine!

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Its raining cows eh

...while waiting for my shamans to get rested(they are 66 atm), i level a bit on my old girls. Had alot of fun doing the quest in Borean Tundra where u use that siege vehicle to kill diff mobs and save some npc's (u can box normally, all vehicles are on follow) And when leaving vehicles it was litterally raining cows for a few sec's =) Im now questing in Dragonblight with them, they dinged 73 today =)

Sunday, 29 March 2009

If it was not for...

...BC and WOTLK, i would be done leveling now =)

Dinged 60 in plaguelands today and are now rdy for Outlands =) I hear they lowered the xp needed from 60-70 so im quite qurious how fast (slow?:P) it will go. Im on it! :P

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Sunken Temple ! =)

3 words: Dont go there.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Zul'Farrak ! =)

I wasent sure if u wanted to do ZF, my previous experience in there have been bad (when boosting with my paladin) ...but the fact that mobs run away alot, dosent really matters with the shamans, pop a earthbind totem, or just nuke and its fine :D Didnt whipe, but i was 50 when entering... got about 1 lvl with all the quest done, and dinged 51 =) 

...oh and the new patch notes are great news, cant w8 to ding 80! 

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Scarlet Monastery ! =)

I finished Scarlet today, i have been delaying the last part until lvl 44. I have been doing the lower instances a few times, and all in all its an easy insta =) I will prolly farm it until lvl 45 then go Hinterlands. Hinterlands have always been my favorite place to level, so i look forward to it =)

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Ding 40 ! im "half way" :P Everything has actually been fun up until now!

I did most of the quest in stv, ofc that was ugly, i seriously dont see the fun in killing lowbies when u are 80 yourself. ...but besides that questing is going great =) Im currently farming sm, did graveyard only once, but library is nice to farm. Might try next part soon tho, gets a bit boring, doing same insta over and over.
Looking forward to outland so im trying to hurry ! =)

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Razorfen Kraul ! =)

Shamans is working fine! No whipes in Razorfen Kraul made it a fast insta to do. Im a bit high for this insta aswell i guess, but i prefer a little less xp, instead of whiping. And finally i have my mounts =)

Friday, 13 February 2009

Blackfathom Deeps ! =)

This was not the best insta for a boxer imo, because of all the jumping from pillars, and water fights, but it went ok i guess. No whipes, but i was 28 when entering, so again a bit to high. I got about 1 lvl in there but i skipped 1 quest, i didnt have the patience to collect 20 items for each char when the quest was green already. All in all , ok =)

Monday, 9 February 2009


Keyclone is the prog that i use to send keystrokes to all wow clients i have running. Its pretty easy to use, simply start all wow clients u need, and start Keyclone. It automatically detects it all.

There are several ways to box, but the way i am setting it up goes like this:

I copy the wow folder from program files and paste it directly on C, 4 times. Then i rename the folders. The folder in program files is wow1, the folders on C, is wow2, wow3, wow4 and wow5. The wow.exe file in each folder has to change name the same way.

If u play without maximizer(its in Keyclone), u can send each wow.exe file to your desktop, making it easy to start the clients, and each wow client has the account name written already, saving u some time.

If u play with maximizer like i do, u can just skip that and go directly to the maximizer setup in Keyclone. Maximizer allows u to put each wow window where u want it on your screen(s), remember to setup each account to play in "window mode". ok!

Start Keyclone.

Press the "setup" button and select "command editor"

In the top field called "command", u write the client name, starting with wow1. Then u press the "program" button below, and find the right wow.exe file on your pc (the ones u renamed earlier, starting with wow1). In the "region" field u write region 1 for wow1, region 2 for wow2 and so on. Press "apply" then the "new" button until u have done the same for each wow client u have. Then it should look something like this:

Then u choose the "maximizer" menu, from the list on the left side.

Here u simply choose where to put each wow client on your monitor(s). Assuming wow1 is the leader char u want that one to be on top, or at main monitor. Remember region 1 is wow1, region 2 is wow2 and so on. Check "enable maximizer" before leaving this menu. U can se a screenshot from my wow1 here:

Last u need to enter the "general" menu from the list on the left side.

Check the "startup command" and write in the names of the wow clients u want to start when starting Keyclone. Between each command u write this sign: ; . Etc: wow1;wow2;wow3

This should be the basics of what u need to setup before starting to play.

I might have forgot something, or something might be missing, feel free to drop me a note =)

Setting it up

One of the reasons i made this blog, was to have something to link when ppl asking me ingame how to multibox. Dont get me wrong, helping ppl is always nice, but to explain how to setup boxing with/w ingame is well... not recomended :P

And if u ever /w a multiboxer and didnt get any respond, dont feel hurt, cause answering whispers while trying to do quests, avoiding getting ganked, making sure all chars have all quests, items, food/waters etc etc is not easy! ...and adding a few keyclone bugs where all chars run in different directions and so on makes it nearly impossible to play and chat. Thats it.

There are other nice guides out there, thanks to all the ppl that made me able to multibox ! =)

...and with blogs like this, multiboxers can get to know eachother a bit more aswell, and thats great ;o) /cheers to u all, and especially to Deekhay/Mortah, Konnichiwa/Merujo and his friend Strickmabil who bother to heal a boxer in arenas =) Nice!

I will make a post for each prog im using, making it easyer to find it later =)

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Shadowfang Keep ! =)

I entered Shadowfang Keep as level 23 and it went pretty easy until i had a minor mistake with my searing totems and pulled a whole room :P ...i aslo whiped at Wolf Master Nandos, the second last boss but well well.. =) 2 Whipes in total is ok! =)

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Wailing Caverns ! =)

Today i did my first instance with the shamans. Had a really good time, with 0 deaths. I entered as level 22, so i guess i was a bit to high for that insta, but a nice place to start=) Shamans is fun! :P

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Hardware and software

Im using 2 pc's, and 3 monitors.

My first pc runs 3 wow clients and its a Dell XPS 630I with 2 monitors. It has a Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Quad CPU, 1GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 graphic card, and 8GB ram.

My second pc runs 2 wow clients and its a Dell Dimension 9200. It has a Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 CPU, NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS graphic card, and 4GB ram.

Im using Keyclone to control all chars, and Synergy allows me to use same keyboard and mouse on all screens (both pc's).

First post =)

Im a multiboxer on Grim Batol EU. I have been playing wow since december 05, and i still enjoy the adventures u can experience in a world filled with ...well..everything =)

I am a 32 year old female and i bought the game cause i wanted something to do with my previous stepson who was 16 at that time. Computers have always been my interest, and i had been playing sims and a game called "norwegianmafia" before, but no mmorpg. I remember beeing in the store with wow in my hand thinking: "this will soo never happen!". Needless to say, it did :P

I started with a undead priest, and this char is still my main, she's called Wokomehee and is GM of a guild called Gimp on Grim Batol EU [H].

... after playing both pve and pvp, leveling all classes i ever wanted, both alliance and horde i found that the game could no longer amuse me the way it used to. I needed something new! =)

I cant really recall first time i saw a multiboxer, but i have always been annoyed by that part of the game u could not do by yourself. Beeing hours in queue for a insta u wanted some loot from etc etc etc. So, after seeing a multiboxer, i started gooogle it, and read everything i could find about it until i had the knowledge to set it up myself.

Short story:

I started with 2 chars until i fully understood how to play as a multiboxer. Then i made my 4 boomkins. Level cap was 70 when i started multiboxing, and i leveled my 4 boomkins to 70. Pve was always fun, but pvp with boomkins is mostly: fear fear fear..and umm fear! So, my druids had to go and i have made a new team with 5 shamans. Those are my current project=)